Can you reccomend me some good Sci Fi books?

I like sci fis set in space, featuring aliens, but I like a 'realistic future', sort of like Mass Effect or Halo (especially the idea of an inter-species war). I don't like it when they borderline on fantasy (like say Dune or Star Wars). On top of that, I also love cyberpunks and steampunks.


Favorite Answer

The Honor Harrrington series by David Weber is a good read (space combat)
The Beserker Series by Fred Saberhagen
The Ship Series (the Ship Who Sang) by Anne McAffrey (and others)
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold.

You can get the starts to many of these series for free from - They let you read the first few books as e-book for no cost, and if you like them then they figure you will pay more for some of the others --- a win - win situation.


The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


War of the worlds is a good old sci fi book


Check here... I would recommend any of these.