Why are Harleys so good?

at converting gasoline to noise without the side effects of horsepower?


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I don't hate Harleys, some of them overall are pretty cool. HD's are for cruising and posing and enjoying the riding experience; to me the real problem is the "lifestyle" Harley Davidson owners who take it all far too seriously.


For the same reason sport bikes are so good at converting gasoline into noise with the side effect of speed, like the Harley owner, they remove the quiet factory exhaust and install a loud aftermarket exhaust. The only difference between the Harley and a sport bike is that the HD gets MUCH better fuel economy, meaning a HD has a higher noise per gallon AND mile per gallon performance than a sport bike. That means for those who like noise, a Harley is much better than a sport bike because with a sprot bike all you get is wind noise and very little exhaust noise.


The new ones produce some ponies. And they are only 70% American!

The first thing some guys do is soup 'em up. See Iron Horse mag--almost all the ones in the centerfolds have modded engines. Better aftermarlet gaskets, too!.

If you want All American made, get an old one or Indian or a Victory. I only really like older Harleys, not for speed but for class. Had an old '47 flathead.

I think this movie ruined me. I saw that classy old ride and Had to have one. Of course, Without the dy na mite...http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=youtube%20duck%20you%20sucker&tnr=21&vid=4619010310340773&l=225&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D4619010310340773%26id%3Df0308855d6e441fd21e4f4323d4f28e9%26bid%3DFmRhahkgcfCRQQ%26bn%3DThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.youtube.com%252fwatch%253fv%253dCokNB7goNOw&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCokNB7goNOw&sigr=11ail527r&newfp=1&tit=A+Fistful+Of+Dynamite-Gi%C3%B9+la+Testa-Duck+you+Sucker%2 (She's idling a bit fast due to the elevation. Actually filmed in high desert in Spain.)


Come on Brandon they do more than just make noise, they shake like a jack hammer as well. That too is a part of the harley experience.


Wow harsh. You must be a young man from your other posts, there is a reason HD sells a lot of bikes. They are fun to ride, I really enjoy my Road King. Is it perfect? Nope. Has it broke down? Yup. It is a machine, ride it enough it will fail. Ride what you enjoy, and don't bug those who chose some thing different what you would.

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