is the biggest danger to the planet?

apathy ?

started an e-petition and so far have 500 signatures, I thought it would take off at an exponentional rate, why don't people care ?

Mike S2012-06-23T10:27:32Z

Favorite Answer

As a species, we've got a historical record of doing badly with what are seen as abstract threats, so don't feel too bad, the planet will continue even without us on it's surface. Perhaps you should focus more on the species as that seems to be your main concern.


Morality exists because of our compassion and sympathy. Over the course of thousands years we have been able to learn from our mistakes. We have learned that cooperation is vital to the success of a civilization. We can sense what is wrong and what is right by putting ourselves in other people's shoes. And we have been able to do all this because of our understanding, compassion, and sympathy.
Apathy IS one of the biggest dangers to our existence.

the Politics of Pikachu2012-06-23T19:29:27Z

Apathy indeed!


Humans are worse yet humans with nukes

