Do you regularly go to the library?

By regularly I mean at least once a month or at least go more than 10 times a year? (As a college student I know how a love of books doesn't always translate into the ability to read them for fun?)
What time of the year do you usually go? (typically I go a lot during school breaks)

If you don't go to the library often, is there a particular reason (super small, far away, don't like to)?

What do you usually go for (study, fun, programs)?
How many books do you usually check out? What kinds of books?


Favorite Answer

I generally go to the library every two weeks or so. At least once a month as a minimum.

I go all year round (I've been out of school for many years).

I go to get books to read, because its a LOT cheaper than buying books.

I usually get 2-3 books at a time -- sometimes fiction (mysteries and sci-fi are my favorites) and some non-fiction.


I only go to the library when I'm really feening for a book because I'm broke and can't go and buy it.
Otherwise if I feel like reading on that I already own Im pretty good for a while until I want a new one.
Just recently I bought JA seven novels and have been reading that for the past 2 months or so but I'm thinking of heading back into my library and choosing one of the older books I haven't read in a while. because I havent read a good amount of them for the second time so im thinking about doing that.
I usually just go for whatever book takes my fancy which is for fun.
Actually when I read some books it is a mixture of study and fun because im learning the techniques and such of the author.


I use to go to my school library every morning in middle school to hang out with friends, read, do homework, and (of course) check out books. Now-a-days, I don't really go to the library that often (I'm going into 10th grade). I don't have the time to go anymore, but I still read a lot. A lot of the books I like now are new, so the libraries don't have them yet. I just buy them now (which my mom thinks is a waste of money because I will have a 400 page book done in 2 nights... :] ). Also, the books I like to read, the library tends to only have a few copies of it, and they are all checked out and have a mile long hold line. So, I find it easier to buy the books and get more use out of them by lending them to my friends and rereading the ones I really liked! :)


I used to, but we only have one library that even has fiction books and it's old and never gets updated with new material. I used to go until I read every book there I was interested in reading. I'd always go just for pleasure reading. There's a library at my school that I've been in a few times, that has materials for research and what not, but mostly I just used it as a quiet place and never checked out any books from it.

I prefer just buying my books. Normally I just order them used as to keep prices down.


At least a couple of times a month. I need books like I need food to live. If I don't feed my brain, it gets really dull and cranky. I am currently writing two YA books, so I read a lot of YA stuff to make sure I'm not duplicating any ideas. I also have my favorite authors I have to read every month just to stay happy and mentally healthy.

The library system here is very good and I am completely spoiled ;)

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