What dog is right for me?

Well i finally want a puppy. I live in an apartment, i basically go out for walks pretty often, plus im outside a lot since i live in Florida. I can provide loads of excercise for this puppy. Finances arent a problem. I want a large breed puppy, maybe a pitbull, golden retriever, boxer idk. Kids are 11 month old baby, 6 year old girl, 11 year old, 14 year old, 16 year old. What medium sized or large breed dog is good for us? (I had to.put my golden down and i think im ready for another dog, im just opening.my options)


Favorite Answer

Goldens are great for families and pit bulls are actually great family dogs as well. Just make sure you get them from a good breeder. Also, a mutt wouldn't be a bad idea either. Cheaper, good temperments, and generally healthier dogs are all pluses for mix breeds


I would get a golden retriever they are a great family dog, I used to have one and even in her last few days she was protecting my baby brother. She would make sure my mom knew where he was at all times! Ironically my family is getting another golden, maybe even two. I have three siblings and live with my mom! Well anyway goldens are the way to go, I couldn't think of any other type of dog for a big family.

Be careful with the dogs walking goldens are known to get hip problems, mainly from birth


Everyone has there favorite breed and unfortunatelyy that breed is the answer you usually get when you ask a question like this, but that doesn't necessarily mean its right for you. I recommend looking on this site www.akc.org/breeds/breeds_a.cfm it lists all the dog breeds and even has a spot on each breeds page that says is this breed right for you and lists the breeds main good and bad qualites. Look at the pics when you see a breed you like click on it and read away.


I would put a beagle as perfect for you.

They need lots of excercise and they're gentle around kids, but they can play rough too.

An apartment isn't a problem if you get a quieter puppy and take him out for walks often.

The Beagle has an even temper and gentle disposition. Described in several breed standards as "merry", they are amiable and generally neither aggressive nor timid. They enjoy company, and although they may initially be standoffish with strangers, they are easily won over. They make poor guard dogs for this reason, although their tendency to bark or howl when confronted with the unfamiliar makes them good watch dogs. In a 1985 study conducted by Ben and Lynette Hart, the Beagle was given the highest excitability rating, along with the Yorkshire Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, West Highland White Terrier and Fox Terrier.[38][c]

Beagles are intelligent but, as a result of being bred for the long chase, are single-minded and determined, which can make them hard to train. They are generally obedient, but can be difficult to recall once they have picked up a scent, and are easily distracted by smells around them. They do not generally feature in obedience trials; while they are alert, respond well to food-reward training, and are eager to please, they are easily bored or distracted. They are ranked 72nd in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, as Coren places them among the group with the lowest degree of working/obedience intelligence. Coren's scale, however, does not assess understanding, independence, or creativity.[39][40]

Beagles are excellent with children and this is one of the reasons they have become popular family pets, but they are pack animals, and can be prone to separation anxiety. Not all Beagles will howl, but most will bark when confronted with strange situations, and some will bay (also referred to as "speaking", "giving tongue", or "opening") when they catch the scent of potential quarry. They also generally get along well with other dogs. They are not demanding with regard to exercise; their inbred stamina means they do not easily tire when exercised, but they also do not need to be worked to exhaustion before they will rest, though regular exercise helps ward off the weight gain to which the breed is prone.

Beagles are also one of the best breeds to own with cats. They are known to be very gentle with cats and very rarely display aggression towards them. They often form loving bonds with cats they live with.

Ninja Muffin2012-06-24T06:15:08Z

A golden retriever or pitbull :) Just make sure it doesn't eat your baby ;)

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