Does anybody know of a way to combine multiple live camera feeds into one tv? Basically I'm thinking I have three cameras. I angle them differently to record a panaramic video. So how can I get that footage to combine into one widescreen monitor? And keep in mind it's live footage not a recording. I know I could use a fish eyes lens, bit I don't want the fisheye effect. Just clear hd video. I hope that's fairly clear to understand.
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If you have three HD cameras supplying 1920x1080 images and want to display them on a single 1920x1080 monitor then you will need to drop much of the information from the original images. One way of doing that would be to place the three images side-by-side; the result of doing that may be the same as simply using one camera and masking off the top and bottom third of the image.
You reject the notion of a fish-eye lens because it gives an effect you don't want. There are other lens shapes, one of which may give you the effect you desire. I assume what you want is that the left of the screen is perhaps directly to the left of the camera, the right to the right but that vertically things are "normal".
If you really require three cameras, then you'll probably find the best you will be able to do is to rigidly mount them together and then manually mix the three images together so they appear as one image. However I think it will always be readily apparent that you are using three cameras because the joins will be areas of strange distortion.
Your surveillance systems at your 3 companies might could desire to be linked to a working laptop or computing device at each employer. and each of those computers might could desire to have internet get admission to. if it is so, then you certainly ought to connect remotely to each of those computers and notice what is going on. verify with the manufacturers of your surveillance gadget(s); they could have the flexibility that should assist you connect all 3. stable success!