How do you feel about the Muslim Brotherhood being invited to the White House?

Everyday Egyptian citizens are worried and the women of that nation have been virtually invisible during this election. How can we welcome an organization that wants to apply sharia law to it's citizens and in doing so, make its women who recently enjoyed careers, education and freedom, second class citizens?


This article is from Whalid Shoebat, a former Hamas member.

Chewy Ivan 22012-06-26T08:43:46Z

Favorite Answer

It doesn't bother me anymore than fundamentalist Christian organizations being invited to the White House. Someone from the Muslim Brotherhood is no different than someone from the Family Research Council, in my opinion.

How can we welcome an organization that wants to turn fundamentalist Christian values into law and in doing so, makes our women pay for unnecessary ultrasounds for abortions or violate their HIPAA rights to get coverage for birth control, relegating them as second class citizens?


The Muslim Brotherhood has democratically won majorities in parliament and their candidate is now the prime minister.

Democracy is when people choose their leaders and in this case, everyday egyptians have chosen the Muslim Brotherhood.

If it is true that a representative from the group were invited to the White House, it would make sence for the US to foster diplomatic ties with the region.


Considering the fact that I know a judge whom recently had a sit down with other judges from other countries in order to help the Egyptians with some of the laws they have I don't think its a bad thing maybe they'll learn something. We live in the land of the free and although we don't agree with all the laws of the culture doesn't mean we should shun them. When they are here they must respect all human beings including women.


If the Muslim Brotherhood ends up to be the legally elected government of Egypt, then I have no problem with a visit to the White House.

nathan f2012-06-26T15:53:31Z

After all the tyrants that have been welcomed at the White House, you want to complain about a democratically elected leader? Grow up.

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