What are "kunnezaadjes" (or "kunnelzaadjes") in English?

All I have been told is that it's a kind of seed put on "German bread". (It's not apparently caraway or cumin.)
I have tried several on line translators to NO avail. I put this here because I think the chance of a Dutch-speaking person seeing it here is much greater than if I posted it in the Languages section.


@ Jeroen...This is called for in a blend to make a "healthy" (cleansing) tea -- equal parts "kunnezaadjes", with fennel and anise seeds and chamomile blossoms. The Dutch-speaking person who gave me this had no idea how to translate this ingredient and, as a means of "helping", said these seeds are often put in/ on German bread. I, too, thought caraway but that's translated differently, as is cumin.


Favorite Answer

I think its not kunnelzaad but kummelzaad = cumminseed.
It's a herb that could help with stomaching, if you have a fart problems or pain during menstruation.
The seed is also used on bread.

Kummel and anise are belonging to the seeds that are helping the stomach and the intestines. They pref end, Chamomile is good for the digestion good against diarrhea, cramp is also good against infections and seems to have a calming and relaxing effect.

Al the herbs in this tea seems to be good for the digestive-organs.

On the next (dutch) site you can see a picture of kummel/cumminseed if you scroll down.

Jeroen Wijnands2012-06-27T06:33:33Z

Context would help a lot like the recipe.

The word reminds me of Kümmel which can mean either caraway or cumin. You will find either or even a mix of them on a lot of breads.