Is it common knowledge that... ?

Is it common knowledge to have a vague idea of the fact that time is relative to speed? To have an idea of what the theory of relativity is? (I am not talking about understanding it, or knowing the math, just knowing of it)

My brother was very surprised to hear this, and enthusiastically told me how he had just heard of it. He didn't believe it, when I said I of course knew. Then we have discussed whether it is common knowledge or not. I said I bet 75%+ of people in college knows. He said he bet it was 1%.

Did you know? Do you think most people know?


Favorite Answer

Is it common knowledge. No I don't think so. It might common knowledge for people with your major or for the people you went to school with. I have heard about the theory of relativity and I'm an avid sci-if fan but I wouldn't have known if you just brought it up. lol

I don't know if that makes sense.


"Is it common knowledge to have a vague idea of the fact that time is relative to speed? To have an idea of what the theory of relativity is? (I am not talking about understanding it, or knowing the math, just knowing of it)"

No, not at all. It is common belief that "time rate" seems to accelerate as you get older, but that is about as close as "common sense" gets.

"Did you know? Do you think most people know?"

I was not born knowing it, I had to train my "common sense" to get a good feel for it. No, most people pay lip service to knowing about relativity, but don't. I'd be surprised if 1% of the world's population could get reasonably close to a correct description.


I learned in 10th grade.. but I know a lot of people who don't know. It really depends on the quality of the person's education.


I know because I learned it, but it's certainly not intuitive. I'm pretty sure most people have learned it by college, though.


I don't understand