On B & B , what is the "big secret" that is supposed to be between Steffy &?

Liam that could break up Liam & Hope? Was it the old annulment papers? Would Hope even care now? Or did something happen in that hotel room between Liam & Steffy when he thought Hope left him again? Could we be looking for Steffy to become a mommy in 9 months? Now, that's a secret !

lorie v2012-06-27T22:12:59Z

Favorite Answer

I think that she slept with Liam right before the wedding to Hope , Liam thought Hope had dumped him and I think Steffie slept with Liam the time Liam tore up the annulment papers in Aspen and now those dizzy spells she had the other day and fell from the cliff into the sea well its because she' pregnant at least I think so!


I agree with Jus Jaz. Liam's actions the minute he saw that note (in addition to what he did with the annulment papers) is a big secret to me considering the fall out. I mean Liam did not even give Hope the benefit of the doubt. He was going to fly off with Steffy less than hour before he married Hope.

Steffy obviously figured out Bill was responsible for all those mishaps Hope had on the way to the wedding. It won't be long before she figures out Bill was behind bringing Deacon back. I think Steffy is going to be upset when she goes home and Taylor and Stephanie are going to notice.

Daisy ❀✿❀✿❀2012-06-27T23:14:06Z

Yeah probably. We didn't see what happened between them... just Steffy was in the bathroom when Hope showed up. I guess Liam Jr could be on the way.

jus jaz2012-06-27T23:26:58Z

I don't think they had sex at all, it will be ''big'' enough just for Hope and her family to find out that one second after Liam thinks that Hope wrote the note he had to turn to Steffi instead of running through the streets of Italy calling her name to find out what happened!


well Steffi did tell bill, "she had him" then he found out about the note- this will be great if she was pg- I love the actress- Hope is so dumb anyhow that part must really suck- I missed it for 5 weeks and they still just got married this week- talk about long soap operas

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