I am 15 and just found out you need to fill out a w-9 irs form for shutterstock contributors. I currently live in Illinois and for any other job, you need a permit under 16. I was wondering if this applied to shutterstock (Stock photos).
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You're licensing rights to use a photo - an intangible. You aren't actually performing work for them-you shoot the pictures entirely without any direction from them. You are a contractor - the income you earn will need to be reported on Schedule C. The W-9 supplies them with your social security number; if you earn over $600 they will send you a form 1099 which will state how much they've paid you. They send a copy of that 1099 form to the IRS. Consult a CPA for tax advice.
With shutter stock (and many others), you have to be an adult (18+). So a work permit wouldn't mean anything to them.
1) In order to join any of the "stock" sites, you have to agree to a LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT. Minors can NOT enter into legally binding agreements by themselves. just as they can't have a bank account of their own as it entails a legally binding agreement/contract.
2) With any of the "stock" sites, any photographs depicting identifiable person or property will need a signed model release to be submitted with the images. Guess what??? A release is an agreement and form of a contract....minors can not sign. It has to be a parent or legal guardian.