Which do you believe requires more faith and why?

Creation or Evolution


Science comes from the greek word "skeo" which means to know, knowledge.

Science includes known facts, and comes to conclusions/decisions based on actual happenings and proven experiments.

Evolution is the theory of fossils hoped for, the evidence of links not discovered.


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There has never been one shred of evidence of one species turning into another species. If there is ever any evidence then we’ll talk.
In fact there have been so many discredited hoaxes that the theory is now more like a hypothesis.


Evolution is science and does not require faith. There is a whole lot of evidence that supports evolution. It is too numerous to cite, but perhaps http://www.talkorigins.org/ would be a good place to start.

creationism is the christian creation myth of the bible. There is no scientific, peer reviewed evidence to support it. Since there is no evidence to support it, it requires faith to believe it.

Why is the christian myth more believable than any other cultural or religious creation myth?

The Joker2012-07-02T09:46:18Z

Well since faith is a belief without evidence and creationism has not a single shred of evidence versus the fact that evolution is a fundamental basis for modern day biology...

You can connect the dots, surely.

Guess who's going to Hell?2012-07-02T09:49:16Z

Well since creationism was comprehensively disproven by Christians over 100 years ago I'd say that that requires more faith. Faith here being belief. Evolution appears to have happened and as such requires no faith.

Steel Rain2012-07-02T10:03:49Z

Evolution requires more faith because,72% of the universe is made of dark energy and 23% of the universe is made of dark matter both of which are invisible to the human eye and both of which can not be explained by science. Yet atheists are credulous enough to believe in science when 95% of the known universe can not be explained by science.

The Bible says every seed reproduces after it's own kind and this is demonstrated daily, fruit and vegetable seeds produce their own kind. Animal seed produces it's on kind and human seed produces it's own kind, no seed on earth reproduces anything but it's own kind this is clearly evidence that evolution is a man made fairy tale.

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