DOOL... Why was E J keeping that incriminating letter lying around?

The first thing I would have done would be to burn it! Who does this other than the mentally challenged writers on this show!? It's like none of these people have any common sense.


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Seriously, you would think that EJ would have put the letter in the safe. It was as if he wanted Will to discover the letter. Sure Will sit at the desk where I just put this letter?
The security at the mansion is nonexistent. Anyone can get in without going through Harold or Mary.

M W2012-07-03T14:21:05Z

We get new episodes with the new writers in August. The old ones deserved to be fired. But, here's the real news - soaps are not based on common sense.

Kitty 22012-07-03T11:35:43Z

That's the first thing EJ should of done is to burn it. But i bet he was wanting Will to find it and he did.Now since Will knows what is going to do and now that EJ knows that will give him something else to black mail Will with./