Christian, explain suffering?



miracle *clucks sadly* My blood is on your hands.


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You can explain it to yourself by opening a newspaper, turning on the radio or TV or even just looking around you where ever you go.

The world is in a state of suffering. People have given up on God but that is sad! He will act in His Due Time! And all suffering will be done away with. Governments have let people down for 6,000 years, and very soon, we will see all the corruption come down. That is when we will see Christ's Kingdom Government take over. Ruling from Heaven but the results will be seen on earth. Just as that prayer in Matthew 6:9-14 has been memorized and repeated over and over. The Kingdom will come on earth, as it is in Heaven. Then we will see no more sickness, old age or death! Rev. 21:3, 4


The Greatest is the least or 'last' in The Kingdom of God. One Goat is written in the completion for the Sacrifices {getting your goat, the Money changers tables turned over}. This is the same Teaching: don't I have a right to do with My Money what I have wanted?


I do not know the answer to this question, these are my thoughts on the subject that may be at least a partial explanation for 'why do bad things happen to good people?' I do believe that God has a reason for everything He does and some things we are not able to understand.

Dee D2012-07-03T14:57:05Z

Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonished at Thee (Jesus); His visage was so marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men

You should see the movie "Passion of the Christ", by Mel Gibson. This depicts the scriptures better than any other movie portrayed of Jesus' death on the Cross and what He had to bear.


Suffering has many shades of color. It is layer upon layer of pain and discomfort that comes in many forms for different reasons but leaving the same results.

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