What are we becoming as a nation? Record numbers are on food stamps and other forms of welfare...?

and no longer is there incentive to get off welfare. Most of those receiving payments from the earnings of others have no feelings of gratitude, or shame...only a sense of "entitlement."


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What can i say, conservative economic policies make the rich, richer and the poor poorer.

scott b2012-07-05T18:40:53Z

The average welfare payment is $600-800 a month. There is PLENTY of incentive to get off of welfare.


"no longer is there incentive to get off welfare. Most of those receiving payments from the earnings of others have no feelings of gratitude, or shame...only a sense of "entitlement." "

Your claims are false. Most of those who benefit from welfare programs are CHILDREN. Most of the adults are WORKING but need assistance to support their families. Most benefits are time limited.


Incase you haven’t realized most of the jobs have been shipped out of the country.

Most of the factories that are still open in the US outsource much of their work.

Where I live many people have been unemployed for years, and not by choice….