Now that Steve Nash is a Laker, will the haters start hating on him, too? I say?



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No, he will win a ring just like Kevin Garnett did when he came to Celtics and LeBron did when he came to Heat.


that was an awful move by the Lakers to land Steve Nash he is too old and he is 38years old he is not getting any younger and he can't shot the Basketball what so ever you ask if your lakers are going to win the titial next year the answer is NO your lakers will be eliminated in the second round by my Oklahoma city Thunder in four games James Harden rules


Sure, but Kobe will always be the #1 target.

We know if the Lakers fail, it will be Nash's fault...or maybe Gasol, Bynum etc..Kobe has the least amount of pressure, of any superstar in the league. He rarely gets blamed for a loss.


Hes on a etter team that was the best option for him



He needs to retire.

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