Broke off rear half of 2nd U.L molar chewing sticky candy?

No pain with cold or hot. If I chew food on the newly exposed gum flesh it's sensitive. I saved most of it (pulled out of a Coffee Rio©). Since there's no nerve pain from the root, I fear the root is dead and will require a root canal. any professional advice?


Favorite Answer

I'm not a dentist, but common sense would suggest you should go to yours and have him/her examine the tooth.

Just because you're not feeling any discomfort now, doesn't necessarily mean your tooth root is dead. I certainly wouldn't risk biting on something and suddenly the root comes alive. Believe me, that's a pain you will remember for the rest of your life.

btw... I had a back molar crown pop off when I was eating a caramel sucker. I had to wait 4 days before I could get in to see my dentist and have it re-glued on. Not fun!

Go to the Dentist! :-)