preaching in the work place?

and I don't mean religion, I work with a woman who is always preaching the green lifestyle ( I do my bit, I recycle) an aggressive almost sanctified existence, I really do find it a bit tedious, ( she goes on long haul flights every years for hols)

surely there is a law against preaching in the work place.


Favorite Answer

I would say you are so totallty judge mental that you can't even see when someone wants to be your friend. It's you who is the problem. You need to rethink your whole life and deside if you like being judg mental or if you wish you had a friend. Make time for yourself to choose.


Ur a dumbass already said I can't go for a fuking run in ***** hot *** weather u dumb *****.

Rick B2012-07-09T03:56:07Z

Not in America! We have that whole 'freedom of speech' thing.

You are welcome to tell her how you feel as well.