Ik you guys are gonna say .. Come up with your own. Use your own creativity And other stuff I'm already writting a book and I want to see what you have.. now I don't need you saying Why do u need me to tell you if ur writting. Just don't answer then.
Favorite Answer
A young aspiring writer wanders into a thrift store and sees an old typewriter seated on a shelf. Although she owns a computer she has a strong urge to buy the typewriter (plus the price is definitely right) so she does. That evening she loads a sheet of paper into it and proceeds to create a fictional short story about a honeymoon couple who move into their first place together. The following morning when she opens her front door to retrieve her newspaper she notices a couple moving into the apartment across from hers. She greets them and learns that they just married ten days ago and were excited about sharing a home together. That was peculiar enough but what really amazed the writer was that they had the same names as her characters.
Telling herself that it had to be a coincidence she heads back into her apartment and eyes the typewriter. Newspaper forgotten on the floor, she sits before the typewriter and grabs for another sheet of paper. Writing another story she soon runs into it in reality. Could this be for real? A magical typewriter for only ten bucks?
Maybe something like you get into a cab and the driver falls asleep at the wheel and you swerve into a tree... Both of you are okay but after the accident you decide to do all you can to prevent something like this from ever happening again
What about a story about a girl who has schizophrenia and she falls in love with a guy and he doesn't know and when she tells him he gets really upset and kills himself and ut turns out it was all just a hallucination she was having