Why not just leagalize Marajuana and put the Cartel out of business?
Why can we just do this?
Why can we just do this?
Favorite Answer
Because the government would have to acknowledge their "war on drugs" didn't work.
Good idea except when you make one thing legal,the cartel just moves to the next illegal thing. It is the trade in illegal stuff that is the money, not Just drugs.
So the drug cartel would just traffic in child soldiers or animal snuff films or exotic beetles.
But I think marijuana should have remained legal and not become illegal. It is less of a threat to health and welfare than any cigarette or liquor.
That said, even if it were legal, I wouldn't bother because I like living sober and natural. I did enough drugs as a young adult to hold me for a lifetime. I wasted a good 5 years horsing around, instead of getting an education.
Eternity the playground
legalize isn't good enough it should be decriminalized. It's a weed. Let it grow and let anybody do what they want with it. Maybe with competition more cartels will do community service with all their ill gotten income and get the public on their side. Which a lot of churches and schools in Mexico will say is something the cartels do now anyway.
Shawn H
How do you know this would put the cartel out of business?
Cause that would be stupid and there would be a bunch of mentally ill freaks runningaround.