She stole my name, what do I do?

This annoying woman in town worked with my mother when she was pregnant with me, and a few years ago, gave her baby my first & middle name. This would be far less annoying if she didn't shout, "Hi, RYAN ELIZABETH!" at the top of her lungs every time she saw me. I've considered calling her out about it, but I don't want to seem immature. What should I do?


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Who gives the name elizabeth to a boy? 0_o
If you're bothered by that don't call her out but have a talk with her where other people won't be listening and ask her nicely to stop doing it. I'd probably be a little mad if someone even said my middle name in public lol


First of all she admires you for you pretty name , she likes it so much she named her daughter that. But I could understand how you feel ! And about her yelling it out tell her you don't like it .


Don't care about her. She chosse your name because it's bieautiful. Be prond about your name. dOn't forget you born before her.


what the poo dude just let it go there are thousand other people with my name and im not writing on yahoo answers


I'd be flattered, but maybe that's just me.