What's the most interesting thing you've done so far today?

Just wondering. The most interesting thing I did all day was make a Tiramisu cake :)


@Ken: no problem :) I liked one of your answers, well two really, but one got deleted ;)


Favorite Answer

Pre-screened patients for a clinical research trial on a drug for atrial fibrillation, called out to a group of guys tanning while on my 12.2 mile run, and read about hormonal influences in Asian musk shrews and about research in prostate cancer. This is how an 18 year old college junior spends her summer haha.


Enzymes break down your food and the b complex (all vitamins except for C) help utilize the nutrients and turn them into ATP for improved energy, muscle building, athletic performance, etc.

I was reading a lot about nutrition and supplements today.. interesting stuff.


I got into a fight with my sister. I called her a bunch of horrible names and almost beat her door down. She threatened to call the cops but I didnt care at the time. We yelled at eachother and eventually she confessed to hating me for some time. I tried to apologise because the fight started over something that wasnt that serious. She refused to talk so I proceeded to calling her more hurtful horrible things.


Today- checked my e-mail-end results- got rid of junk mail
Of all time- Fought a wannabe gangster (and none of that wrestling **** i mean fist fight) and threw him threw my school's trophy case because he graped my gf *** -end results- $450 fine (friends and my fav coach payed it all) and got laid-ed


I just asked somebody out on a date.

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