Christians, do you feel like this site is used by atheists more than anything else to say vile, sick things?

say vile filth about our Lord. If so, do you sometimes wonder what God thinks of us going on a site where we know that we are going to viewing this filth no matter if which question we are answering. As you know, they have to comment on every question, those that have no desire to hear from them or has anything to do with them. I know they are full of much ignorance but really, do you think God wants us to view this filth. Please do not think you are trying to lead them down the right path. They have made their chose in life. God gives us the wisdom to know where to plant seeds. He has given me more wisdom than to think you can lead someone out of their ignorance that chooses what these people have chosen.


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Oh.."vile filth about our Lord.".....Cry me a river.


Thank you for those kind words. You must be a Christian, and I'm sure you think the vile, hateful things Christians say about atheists are simply "telling the truth."

Yes, by your fruits we know you.


Both the Web and the World are ruled by atheists and Jews. Join the winning team. (I'm going to be disliked for this aren't I)


It never hurts to keep trying. You never know when they would have a change of heart. Jehovah does not want anyone to be destroyed but to come to repentance.


Never said anything vile. Just that your whole religion is wrong.

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