I was in the friend zone but I got texted after 2 months of no contact?

What does everyone think--more "friend zone" or a change of heart?

J. Hiatus2012-07-14T17:45:46Z

Favorite Answer

Hey man. Seems like a change of heart. Why? Because if you have had no contact for 2 months and got a text out of the clear blue, this means that person is interested. It also means that you were never quite forgotten, which means you made an impression.

This is a good place to be. You've moved on with your life and so has the other person. This means you are in a position to build new relationship. You will have to be upfront with what you want this time however. 9 times out of 10 when a guy is "friend zoned" its because you were not clear on what kind of experience you wanted with that other person.

If this is someone you want more than friends with, then you'll want to let that person know. You have already proven to this person that you are not very needy (given the 2 months of silence). This is a clean slate, just waiting for you to take the actions you WANT to take with this person.

Good luck


More friend zone, you will never get out of a friend zone


Friend zone for now, but don't listen to people... you can get out of it.

Be distant with the person, FLIRT, don't listen to her/his problems (sounds bad but usually you only go to someone who is a friend with those)

Good luck (:

Eliot Harris2012-07-15T00:39:13Z

only one way to get out of the friend zone - BREAK THE TOUCH BARRIER!!!!!!!!