Can I put an outfit on my puppy?

Today, we got a 7 week old baby Chihuahua. It's ADORABLE.

But you know what I think would make it even cuter? A little shirt, or sweater.

My boyfriend says that it's too young to put clothes on. But I've read that since Chihuahua puppies get cold often- It's a good idea to put something on them to keep them warm.

At 7 weeks... is this a bad idea?
Do you know of any Cons?

Thank you in advance.


Favorite Answer

of course you can dress him ... i got my chihuahua cross at eight weeks and i bought him a t-shirt immediately ... he was just over two pounds in this photo:

Wolf Shadow2012-07-16T06:38:19Z

It is true that Chihuahua dogs get cold and are worn cloothes alot, but at that age it is not neccesssary because like another user said it is at the age where it will still snuggle with it's mother. So wait until maybe a couplr more weeks or two more months then you can.


I have two Chihuahuas. We live in sunny San Diego, CA. I am old and I can be as silly as I want. My Chi's have sweaters to keep them warm from mid Nov. through February. They also have clothes to get attention. My male has a white shirt collar with a red tie. He has a baseball uniform. and a cute outfit with stud across the back. He can wiggle out of them if he wants to. My female has six cute pinafore style outfits. She is all black with brown eyes. She gets the most attention in a bright yellow outfit with matching yellow leash. Trevor is 10 & weighs 4 lbs. Gidget is 3 1/2 & weighs 5 lb. When my Mia was tiny I cut a old lady footy by cuting the heel to put her head through. two small holes for her front legs.


A little shirt or sweater would be fine, we got a little hoodie for my mother-in-law's toy min pin, he always shook like a leaf because he would get so cold. I know most stores like wal-mart and petco carry shirts and things like that in pretty small sizes, but I found the hoodie at a small pet supply store. If you have one in your area check it out. Good luck with your new puppy :)


Why do you even have a puppy at 7 weeks. That's a little young.

You can put outfits on, but remember.. its a DOG not an accessory. They have coats for a reason. Unless its for weather purposes outside of your home, it looks stupid.

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