It is my understanding that if one receives ssdi that they must report all work they do to social security.?

My used to be friend told me that she does not have to report her work from the last three years because she did not make over the substantial gainful employment amount. She also received 1099s from working the last three years which she never filed. She is now mad at me because she said I have made her sick by telling her that she must call and report this work and file her 1099s. Am I missing something here as I have always been under the impression that if you go to work part time, you must report the work regardless of your earnings. I am on ssdi and I have never not reported any of my past part time work.


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If you are making less than $1,000 per month, then you will not have to report it to the SSA.

However, if you are earning over $1,000 per month (substantial gainful activity), then you must report it. However, you will not lose your benefits right away. If you continue to earn above the substantial gainful activity threshold for more than 9 months, your benefits will be terminated by the SSA.


SSI if that is what is referred to here is based on the needs of the person
if the person has other sources of support, they have to be reported
ie as the 1099's that are filed with IRS and eventually will be discovered, which will be to her determent
I had a lady friend, quite elderly, who was on SSI(alone with two other retirements)
at one time her daughter took a loan out on her mother's paid up residence and when the SS found out the payments being made on a mortgage for her residence, the daughter had to explain that this was money she took out for herself, had no benefit to her mother
and to add to this story, it was found that she had been underpaid to the tune of about $4000, which she was issued a check and instructed to spend it, she could not have more than $2000 in any bank account, needless to say, the daughter bought new appliances and other things, totally unneeded to use up the money!


if you're truly on Social protection incapacity coverage then you definately must have received a cost ticket to artwork. sure, you're allowed to artwork area-time and they even help you with practise. i do not comprehend the parameters, like how a lot you could earn, yet i comprehend the alternative is there. Get in contact along with your community SSA place of work.


I think she has to claim it on taxes, but if she makes under the threshold it does not bar her from, not decrease the SSDI