Orthodox Christians! if i brutally kill a bunch of people in a dream does that this violate Thou Shall Not Kil?

If i remeber correctly i was about to be executed for no reason or something and before i was to be killed i went into this rage and seized a shotgun and started shootin tryin to escape but, then when i was stopped i just kinda walked down the hall to wherever i was goin anyway. i don't know? did i sin by killing all those people in my subconcious


most people would conclude that its only a dream (lets hope it only is a dream)
however, the fact that someone would kill someone, even in a pretended matrix, might say something about what is going on in the mind and heart of aperson.

in the book of Genesis God says that every thought of the corruption of man was evil
God therefore does judge us by our thoughts. but elsewhere it says God does not tempt men.
sometimes i wonder if even dreams are not some foreign intrusion, rather than our own thoughts.
i had a dream where i was a security guard and if i can remember correctly, i saw a man with a gun, so i ran and tackled hiim, somewhere in the dream i refused to say anything, and yet i could still hear my voice speaking. was it me? or a staged event with a planned outcome


Probably not. It wouldn't hurt to have this talk with your priest, though. Not as confession, but as something that concerns you (it could be done in confession, though, since confession is not just about sins, but life direction, too.)

Forgive me.