Porn... Porn addiction?

There's this guy (Steve) who has had a girlfriend (Mary) of 2 years. They live together.

Mary got on his computer today, to set a funny picture to his background as a joke.
When she clicked on the search-bar for google, the words
"Celebrity Sex"
popped up. They were in Steve's history, so Mary knew that Steve had been looking at it.

Mary and Steve haven't had sex for weeks, and she feels like he's un-attracted to her. After seeing these, she confronted him- and he got mad at her.

What would you do in Mary's situation?




I would accept that guys look at porn. There is nothing she can do about that. If you are not in the mood, on your period or is just going through a period of issues... guys will beat the monkey to porn. That's just how it is

We are visual creatures.. we need that imagery for our monky spankin. Denying us sex will only lead to us taking matters into our own hands

Having said that, porn can become an addiction. If he is having a hard time performing/having orgasms unless by own hand.. It might be time to take a break from porn and masturbation


I think Mary should stop snooping on Steve's computer. It has absolutely nothing to do with her.


Porn is a perfectly fine expression of sexuality, and watching it is not unhealthy. If she feels unattractive, she should talk to him about these feelings. But understand, him watching porn doesn't mean he isn't attracted to her.