How many of you think you could remain faithful to your husband or wife when they are taking a medication that?

makes having sex impossible. Takes away drive and ability. You married this person when all was normal. Due to whatever reason, this is the end result of treating their illness.


How amazing people are. You judge instead of giving an honest answer. This question does not even apply to me. But people in the eagerness to judge jump to their own pitiful conclusions. Congratulations. You have been quite a study to a hypothetical question. Amazing.


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I would have affairs but I would be discrete about it.


Marriage is for better or worse. The medication is prescribed to make the worse better, but it can have unfortunate side effects. If the illness isn't a chronic one, you just need to ride out the storm and remain true. It will get better. If the illness is chronic, talk with your/their doctor to see what else can be done.


I would remain faithful. Although sex is important in marriage, it's not the most important component. If he's still treating me as if he loves me, finds me attractive etc. I would be fine with it. Not only that there is other ways to enjoy each other. My partner being sick isn't the same as him just loosing interest in me, so I feel it could be something that we could get through.


You should be married to them for anything but sex. If your relationship is based solely on sex, you have troubles. Also, there's still lots of fun to be had with the right toys!!!


We could - vows are 'for better or worse" - there are other ways then just sex that keeps the marriage together. You build on those things.

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