Should I change schools?

The school I currently go to is, basically, crap. The teachers know nothing and we go through about two principals a year. The rules are pretty ridiculous and the entire system is just messed up.

I have been going there since kindergarten. I used to be a very very quiet person, I don't think I actually talked to anyone until about fourth grade. I still don't talk much, but everyone still thinks I'm the weird quiet kid, or they don't know who I am. The people who do know me have expectations of what I have to be like, pretty much. If I do anything differently at all, they will comment on it incessantly. It's not bullying, but I feel like I can't do anything without someone thinking it's weird. I can't even wear my hair differently without getting asked about it 50 times.

All my friends are at this school, and I would miss them, but honestly they wouldn't miss me much. They all have a best friend, I'm just there for entertainment I think. I also know my way around very well, and whether they know me or not I know who everyone is, which can come in handy if anyone needs a favor from me (difficult to explain. basically I can run messages, information, or stuff from one person to another, and since no one knows who I am, no one gets in trouble)

Case in point, I have an opportunity to go to a technical school instead. I think it would be a much better school experience for me, as well as being able to have a fresh start. I don't know if I will go though. Do you think I should go to the new school, or stay at my old one and try to "break out of my shell" so to speak?


Favorite Answer

Honestly, your school sounds like a load of academic crap. I suggest you do whatever thinks will challenge you. To me it sounds like the technical school. There, you will have a chance to meet people with things you're interested in, excel academically, and even be a new person. (If you go to this school, no one will know who you are or what you're like so you can create a whole other you. I think you should just be yourself though.I still vote that new school. <3
Good luck!! And remember, do what you think is best for you and your future!! The way people see you in highschool doesn't really matter anyway.