What do you think of a girl with really skinny legs?

I'm really self conscious of my legs cuz they're so much skinnier than the rest of me. I'm not fat or anything (116lbs, 5'4) I just feel that my legs aren't that proportionate to the rest of me idk it's hard in the summer with shorts and all...


Favorite Answer

Don't worry about it :)


Watch the women's legs in the olympics......no world class athlete has skinny legs.......leg muscles are the biggest in the body.......and easy to build up........pick an exercise that is fun......bicycling, rollerblading, Ice skating (in Rochester)......or do a NAUTILUS CIRCUIT half an hour 3 times a week .......all colleges have gyms to work out in.......and you can meet some buff guys......who will be happy to help you : )

Mr Peuterschmit2012-07-26T14:39:34Z

Probably a good thing for you if I'm honest: if they're skinny, it'll make your legs look longer.