The way emails are displayed in yahoo has changed recently. How can I restore it to original format?

For many years, new emails in my inbox appeared first. Older emails appeared below, going onto page 2, 3, etc. if I didn't delete them. A week or two ago, that changed. What appears first in my inbox are ancient emails (several years old) that I chose not to delete. To get to my most recent emails, I have to scroll through pages and pages until I reach the beginning of the inbox.
Can anyone help me to restore my inbox to the way it worked so well for years? Clicking on various Yahoo options for email settings has not worked. Asking for Yahoo Help has, of course, not worked. Any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks!!


Favorite Answer

On the mail screen click Options, then click Mail or More Options. Go to Message Ordering and make sure Decending by date is checked. If not, check it then click Save Changes upper left. If it is checked, uncheck it, save changes, recheck, and save changes. Also on the mail screen you can click Date above the message and it should change.