What are cool items to get signed by baseball players?

I got tickets to a game on Saturday and i am going with a friend. He is my ride and he always goes 3 to 4 hours early to get autographs and items signed. Because i will already be there he told me to bring stuff to get signed. i do have a decent collection of 8x10s signed but i dont know who I will see or be able to meet. I like the pictures so that i can put a name to the face i dont have enough money to go out and get the major league baseballs because they run $15-$20 a piece and i think bats are hard to display so id like to stay away from them.


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your glove, ball, cap, jersey, etc.


for real man a couple of baseballs is 5 bucks getting a ball signed makes it worth 100 to 200 bucks so i think it is worth it


i bought from this site last week



Baseballs. Simple as that.

And bats.


baseballs, baseball cards, jerseys, caps...

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