Wtf? Opinions? Broke up with me in a text message?

So...My bf or now I should say in the army..he came to florida on leave, I picked him from the airport couple days were amazing..his mom lives here to so he was stying with her..Wed he asks me if he can spend time with his mom...of course he can! :) so I get a text when I'm at work Sunday saying "Sorry Jess I can't do this" and continues to text to break up with me and he wasnt nice about it? what the hell? in a text message? really? it hurts bc thats not respect and I thought I met more to is this a new thing? should I be happy bc this is the type of man..or boy he is?


Favorite Answer

Pretend like it doesnt affect you. Dont talk to him til he talks to you.


He turned gay or he met someone else