what is the whole chic fil a thing about?

so if your supporting chic fil a then you are against gay marriage? i mean how does this whole thing work?


Favorite Answer

The owner or CEO (not sure of his position) has publicly spoken against gay marriage, as well as other things against homosexuals. According to him, homosexuals should be imprisoned or deported. The franchise makes donations to anti-gay groups, one of which is a certified hate group, as well as to "pray the gay away" groups, which have been shown to be harmful and do not work.

Being a gay person myself, I will not support a franchise which states openly that I am not good enough for them. If they wish I wasn't around, and hence don't want my patronage, then they won't get my money, simple as that. But the situation is way out of proportion, I think. It only gives them more media coverage.


Ive searched online and just found that the owner or whatever spoke out and said he is against gay marriage but thats all i found out. I am glad the gay community are standing up and grabbing more attention and having a peaceful protest i am proud but at the same time i feel that people should have their own opinions too. so i love gay people but i love chickfila so I'm still going to eat there regardless of anyones beliefs.

Edit: i just found out that they donated money to pro christian groups which freaked a lot of people out.


incredibly lots the guy who owns each and all of the stylish fil-as is a professional relatives man or woman and the entire comparable gender relatives component isn't a real relatives of their recommendations and that they've been donating money to teams who oppose comparable marriage and such. incredibly lots the vendors of stylish-fil-a are homophobes.

King E2012-08-03T16:56:33Z

Not true at all. I support the owner for standing up for his personal beliefs. Despite pressure from mall owners and bussiness consultants his stores are closed on sundays in support of his religous belief. He is a fine example of our what our country is founded on. The gays and lesbians poked into his bussiness after he was aired on tv. If I said I was against same sex marriages no body would pay attention but if someone famous sais it then it becomes a platform for the gay/lesbian bandwagon.


I don't understand it myself either.

If you don't want to support said person, don't eat there. He's not going to change his mind, and you not going there won't do it either. I saw something about LGBT people going there this friday to eat to "defend their rights" WHAT? Are you ******* serious? You are going to defend your rights by giving your money to the person who is against them? Are you high?

Seriously, people have opinions, move on with life.

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