How to report someone on the internet to the police?

On Tumblr, there's a blog that is a "confession blog" for odd thoughts you have. You submit things you've done, or want to do.

There's one post in particular that caught my attention.

"I like to stick needles in my cat's paws, and watch her walk around in pain".

This is animal cruelty... and I hate the thought that this is anonymous.

How do you report someone (that was anonymous)? I feel like this is too much, and I can't- with good conscience- pass this by.

Any answers are appreciated. Unless you post a link to the video "I will report you to the cyber police. You done goofed".

Thanks in advance.


Favorite Answer

They are joking probably .
Do you know what country they are in ?

I seriously believe that even IF this was true that once somebody has done this to a cat once that the cat will avoid them.
Cats are not stupid




We don't know...for sure, if this is black fantasy, do we?
The fact they said 'my cat' makes me a little suspicious,
like they are getting attention.

I don't think cats would allow it, although I guess it is possible.

I would write on the Blog, get others input on this, get them
discussing it. You can confess to how this was for you.

This alerts others.

Imagine if people confess to torturing young girls, or making
them sex slaves.

People love to strut evil stuff.
I think we have to shut that door.
The police won't do anything, they are totally busy with
obvious crimes.

Kayang Thao2012-08-05T02:58:31Z


- Report or try to contact TUMBLER.
- report to the police department. Make sure you give them the URL Link to that page that you saw.
You'll need evidence such as an image or a video proving that they did it to the poor cat.

Usually..... the police can track the uploader or whom ever wrote that's COMPUTER IP ADDRESS or INTERNET IP ADDRESS.

I feel bad for the cat. I wish I can held it up and take out the needles and take it to the vet...
urgh.. how can they do such thing.


You cannot do anything. Him/her saying that does not mean its true, I even bet most of those are fake. You cannot even get a warrant to search his/hers property, if the police EVEN decide to take it seriously and trace the computer id/ address. Also it is not animal cruelty unless it actually happened. Its like saying 'im going to kill you'. I bet you said that countless times and did not mean it once.

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