Dogwood Question, help needed and tips.?
I had a dogwood planted in April possibly a regualar white one, or possibly a pink dogwood. Anyways onto my question. My dogwood has gone through moderate/minor transplant shock. I've taken off the old discolered leaves, as well as the dead branches from the nursery. Then a few leaves so it could try and adapt. So far the results have been 50/50 some good results after i tampered with it. But still transplant shock, some leaves are still falling off and becoming reddish, but not as many as before and the green to red ratio is 10:3 or 10:2. The tree is doing good though forming leaf and flower buds. I've counted around 60-70 flower buds and the same amount for leaf buds. My main question is since my dogwood is obviously and easily going to recover from transplant since the forming of new buds, will it have healthy green leaves next year? Or will the leaves look like the previous seasons?