Should I be able to blow air through a CO2 Ceramic Diffuser?

Just setup a DIY CO2 system for my planted tank. I mixed the yeast and sugar about 2 hours ago. I've been getting 1 bubble per second through the bubble counter. However, nothing through the Fluval CO2 Ceramic disk diffuser. This is my first attempt at co2 and I'm not sure if I have a clogged diffuser or do I just need to wait as pressure builds?

I tested the diffuser before I set things up by blowing through the airline tubing with the diffuser in the water. I couldn't blow air through and I thought maybe I just don't have the lung power. Should I be worried? Should I be patient or will the bottle explode?

It's a 1 liter smart water bottle btw.


I heart beets2012-08-06T19:09:34Z

Favorite Answer

i have 2 diy co2 set ups in my 40 breeder. The pressure has to build up for several hours before you start to see bubbles coming out of the diffuser. You'll see bubbles in the bubble counter but wait 2-6 hours for bubbles through the diffuser. Also make sure you have a check valve. I don't think you'll be able to blow through a diffuser since the pores are very small.