Question about alcoholism?

Hey guys, I was just wondering if I might be at risk for alcoholism.

I'm a 20 year old male. I really like to drink and get tipsy, but I absolutely hate the feeling of being drunk. If I had my way, I'd probably get tipsy every other day, and my favorite drink is vodka. I like to drink with my brother, but also enjoy drinking alone. To be honest it does make me feel better about everything. It helps me relax and be more chill, and I can look at things in a more positive light.

I'm wondering if maybe I just like it so much because I'm under 21 and have a harder time getting alcohol because of it, but as I said, if I had my way I would probably get tipsy every other day or so. I would never like to drink when I have something to do, such as school work or a job, but just at night when I want to relax while watching TV or playing games.

I just wanted to know if I showed any signs of alcoholism or if I'm in the clear with my behavior. I worry about it a little because I smoke, and I hate the addiction to that. If anyone with knowledge on this stuff could respond it'd be great. Thanks in advance to any advice :)

Rya Z2012-08-07T04:53:11Z

Favorite Answer

Trust me, I know alcoholics, you're not one.

Alcoholism is craving the next drink, when you cannot function without it and sometimes your body mind literally tell you that you need a drink. Also, its when you love getting drunk, not tipsy.

I'll never know what its like to be tipsy as I have a rare condition where the drink suddenly hits me after I drink loads of it - a liter of vodka and I'm drunk. From what people tell me it's when they still have control but feel relaxed - once again I'm in control regardless of how much I've had so I'll never understand.

Anyway just enjoy yourself, you have a good head so you should trust yourself to do what's best.


Don't worry~ Way normal for your age.
Have fun~ I drink or two is fun (and good for your health) Dizziness and a hangover is not.
Be realistic~ If you get to the point where you feel a compulsion to drink then addiction is a real possibility.