What tricks should I teach my dog?

We have two dogs, a rescue mutt and a bloodhound were raising/training for the police. The bloodhound takes up a lot of time for training and everything, so we haven't been working with our other dog as much. Lately the hound has been off socializing and experiencing new places so I'm home alone with the other, and I though we would learn some tricks. He's got his basic obedience down pat (graduated at the top of his class!) and he knows shake, "sit pretty", roll over, and we're working on building a simple flyball course for them and we have lots of agility equipment which he's good with. What other tricks should I try? He's a very fast learner.


Mark- you didn't even read this, did you? He does all that already! haha


Favorite Answer

Have you taught him the variations of heel? If he only knows how to stay by your side step it up a notch. Like when you take a step back he takes a step back. If you take two steps he takes two. If you tell him to come around he will circle around you and come back to the starting position and sit. You can also teach him to jump over your leg. I did this with my dog by having my bf hold him and I had my leg up and a treat on the other side lol. Also you can teach him to speak. Once he's got that down teach him to whisper which is just a low woof.


Teach him to:

Jump on command,
Play catch,
Play frisbee,
Do a backflip. (yes. Back flip is possible... I saw it on Americas Got Talent. :D)


You can teach it roll over teach it to play dead. You can teach it to sit. Another fun trick is to make it give you its paw.