Y&R & B&B spoiler alert- Have you heard about the writers just fired?

Maria Arena Bell (d-i-l of the original creators) just let go ! Could it be because of the destroying character plots written, especially joining Victor & Sharon? Even with being the No. One show, you are still in danger if the network or big bosses do not like where a story is going. B&B viewers also are getting tired of the endless trio between Steffy, Liam & Hope too, since it's just a repeat of the previous trio involving their parents. I just hope they get another writer to come up with original stories for they sure have enough characters on each show to work with. Maybe that's the problem - they have too many characters for fans to root for. Any thoughts?


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they def need to end this trio of liam/steff/hope its just boring....liam has no spine to have told steffy the fatal atraction from the getgo to back off that he was in love with hope...but he fell prey to her...so he couldnt have really loved hope to cave so pathetically easy,

they need to get back into things...it was great when sally was on the show....confrontation was great.

as far as Y & R i dont even get why they married sharon and vic they dont 'love' each other and they suck together, there is no chemistry....at least with some of the other cples you can see a goiod mesh. i also cant stand harmony/neil......wasnt crazy about tucker an ashley....i really wish after all these years they woulda gave her someone decent.

they both need a good revamp


It's about time. Hard to believe they fired her since she is family, or was there a divorce I didn't hear about. Is Cricket(Christine) gonna write it. Sick of all the new people on Y&R. All of the new people are from cancelled soaps, stands to reason that they will drive these two inro the dirt. The Sharon Victor thing took long enough to be done....I saw it coming years ago during the Matt Carter storyline. I would LOVE to see Brock again. They also ruined it when they got rid of one of the first Mackenzie girls. The girl who played her when she first came to town with Katherine.


That's all true and I am glad she was fired!
But they both could use some NEW characters and storylines
Hooking Sharon up with Victor was the last straw and pathetic and sick!
I would like for them to bring back Jack Wagner and put him on Y&R I sure would like to see what kinds of troubles he can make LOL
They also should bring back Amber
I don't like to see what going on with Heather and Daniel---don't you think Heather is too old for Daniel? ugh.
On B&B I like to see more of the other characters beside both of trios, they need to take a long vacation!
So I hope they can bring in some new writers with a clear clean head!

Daisy ❀✿❀✿❀2012-08-08T22:46:46Z

I'm very happy to hear that. Especially in the case of B&B where the whole show is centered around Hopeless Logan and that neverending love triangle of stupidity.

I really hope the show gets back to the way it was a looong time ago with lots of characters and different storylines.


As before pronounced, there is not any way you are able to forget approximately approximately somrthing which has "spoiler" written on it. Jings, i'm hoping that Michael is going. he's had extra opportunities than i will ever undergo in techniques Sir Alan giving all and dissimilar. Raef has no longer placed a foot incorrect yet!!! Are you between the cameramen?????

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