Issues with a client...?
I've been working with a woman and her two mares; freedom and midnight.
Midnight is beyond morbidly obese, far too heavy to put on a saddle. This is horse is drenched in sweat after maybe 3 minutes of lunging. She's on pasture, hay, AND grain. The owner won't cut back on the amount of food that she's feeding, but I can't train this horse if I can't do anything with her. She's fine with light lunging, but that won't be enough to get this horse in shape.
The other one, freedom, is just downright dangerous. She charges at people, kicks with the intent to actually hit you, bucks like crazy, etc. Nasty, nasty, mare. The owner can only afford to have me out once a week (it's almost an hour long drive to get there), but this mare needs someone working with her daily. She's 5 years old and has been like this her whole life. Once a week will not break this habit, but the owner can't afford anything else.
In my opinion, midnight should be put on a dry lot and be worked lightly every other day until she's at a healthy weight. The other one she be sent to another trainer to be worked with daily for probably 60 days until she's decent, and then sold. I think the owner should buy a nice gentle gelding instead, since all they want to do is ride down the road every now and then.
The owner won't do any of these things, so there's only so much that I can do. I don't want to just stop working with her, but I don't want to waste my time either.
What would you do?