Would a border collie be a good fit for me?

I am adopting a dog soon, and I completely fell in love with a border collie at the shelter. I am 15, but I have a lot of dog experience, such as; fostering over 40 dogs last year, training my other dog obedience, tricks, and basic agility, and training and handling a bloodhound for Deputy Dogs (with my sister), and a little bit of experience with Guiding Eyes for the Blind (we had a puppy for a week on three different occasions). I have access to some agility equipment, a near by dog park, and a near by fly ball club. I have a lot of land to run around on, and a fenced yard. Do you think this would be good for a border collie? I know it varies from dog to dog, but in general? I feel like it would be, but I'm just getting other opinions.


Thanks everybody. I knew I COULD get one, but he's coming from a not great background and I want to make sure to give him a perfect life from now on :)


Favorite Answer

Surely you already know given your experience, but border collies are ideal for you.

They are extremely REALLY intelligent, utterly focused and love to DO things.

Just watch someone playing with a border collie - when they throw a ball/stick it will run in advance and crouch in hiding waiting for the chase - they love performing complex actions and are used as intelligent sheepdogs.

They make wonderful family pets when treated properly and integrated into the family life.


Border Collies are the CEO's of dogdom. If you don't have a job for them they will find one and you may not like it. They are hard wired herders. They might decide to nip heels to get a party moving. They are wonderful farm dogs and at the end of the day they will sleep on the porch to announce strangers.


Yes!!! perfect fit!! plus you have room for the dog to run around and get the exercise it wants :D i say go for it!! Enjoy your new dog!


yes they are great dogs as long as given some thing to do make sure you teach her stuff so she dosnt get board


yes yes yes you have all the experience why not? collies are very smart and outgoing.