Is Yahoo Answers a forum for teenagers to ask about sex, how tall they will grow & do they have diabetes?


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Excuse me sir, I'm 14 and have noticed that teenagers are not the only ones asking questions here there is a wide range of people of all ages asking life questions on here and some asking rather odd or quite stupid questions. But yes teenagers do ask about sex, how tall they will grow and whether or not they have diabetes because that is what we do. we ask questions and learn. If i may ask, how did you learn? I would guess by asking questions :) Have a good day dear sir!






Life style is often part of the issue. Life style changes now could delay or prevent you from getting diabetes later. Learn here

What you eat is not actually the cause of diabetes, but how you live can be. If you sit on the couch all day, your chances of developing diabetes goes up greatly.

Just do the best you can to not gain weight and to maintain an active life style and that will greatly help reduce some of your risks.


Shocking New Diabetes Research Revealed -

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