Would our government function better with 3 main parties?

I mean its simple, 2 people who believe 2 different things can never get along, get a third person in there as the tiebreaker, right? i think it would cut down on corruption and make the government more effective, ideas? comments?


I am not mentally handicapped i am aware there are other political parties , but they barely have any influence compared to the dems and reps


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My gov/comparative politics teacher used to talk about this a ton. Its less about the cut down on corruption (scandals are basically expected in countries outside the U.S) and more about having a party thats not just the two opposing ends of the spectrum. Look at the british political system, with the liberal-democratic party, the labour party, and the conservative party (plenty of others but those are the main three). Its a pretty well established policy and seems to work pretty well for them.


There are 3 parties, republicans, democrats, & 3 third parties:
Constitution Party
Green Party
Libertarian Party