Does anyone else find soccer as boring as crap lol?


Favorite Answer

It's rarely as viscerally gripping as a rugby union match, and certainly not as subtly rewarding as a good cricket or baseball game, but football is a great sport. It didn't get to be the most popular team game in the world by accident.

The One (and only)2012-08-12T18:34:07Z

yeah, I do

its fun to play, but so boring to watch. I mean.... nothing happens. theres no excitement, like what are you supposed to watch? at least american football has exciting plays between breaks, soccer is just like 4 or 5 exciting plays per game, and my luck I usually miss them because I went to get snacks or take a piss


Have you seen the Uruguay vs Ghana game in the world cup? so freaking awesome! then again I'm Uruguayan...but still it was the best game that I have ever seen.


No, next question which will probably bore us all, but feel free


no. it's not the most popular sport on the planet for no reason

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