What do you do when your skinny jeans are too long And how do you decide if they are too long?

I'm short. And that's the truth. I also really love skinny jeans, but they're always too long and bunch up at my ankles. I was about to hem them today but did some googling first to see what other people have done and came across this: http://www.alterationsneeded.com/2012/04/to-hem-or-not-to-hem-what-to-do-with-skinny-jeans.html

I'm glad I ran into it. A lot of people mentioned how they prefer that the clean line of the leg *not* be broken by the scrunching of the jeans, and I'm just like that. I think it's especially unfortunate for shorter people who NEED length in their legs, or rather the illusion of it :p It also mentioned that jeans do sometimes shrink, and since these jeans are new, I think I'd rather wait around for a little while until after I've washed them several times to decide what to do with them. Until then, I'm thinking of just tucking them under, but I'll miss out on the snugger fit around the ankles that way.

I was just wondering what you good people of Yahoo! Answers do about this issue. And have you by any chance discovered a way to hem the jeans and also make them a bit narrower at the same time so that you don't lose the "skinny" part of the jeans? And, probably most importantly, what length *do* you think is best/appropriate for skinny jeans? At the ankle? Above? Below?


Favorite Answer

I'm short too, and a lot of my jeans do that. Usually I just roll them up a little or wear boots over them so you can't see the bunching up at the bottom.


I'm short myself. Usually, I wear some ankle boots over them or just cuff them at the bottom (I like the contrast).