Is homosexuality is peoples DNA?

How is the "gay gene" still here? Gays cannot have children and cannot pass down there genes so shouldn't it have disappeared thousands of years ago? and if it has would that mean gays are homosexual not because of there dna but because there messed up the brain or something?can some one explain this for me?


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No. DNA is passed on through generations. If there was a "gay gene" it would never be able to be passed on since men cannot have children and can only adopt children with other types of DNA in they're system. Gay children mostly come from the womb of the mother. The more boys the woman has, the more likely there is for a child to be gay. Let me explain, every single time a sperm enters the egg, if it is a boy lets say, the 5th child the woman is having. The girl genes would fight off some of the male genes, causing a disruption. Causing them to prefer males over females. So, the child has a tiny grain of female spice in his genes.


no a "want" isn't in DNA you either want to be gay or dont


Ah, Clones, I was wondering what the term was! ^^