Is my car tire reads 31psi when it's sopposed to be 35 is it ok to drive on?

I'd like to know if my car is safe enough to go over the bridge which is 15 min away I'm currently in a bad neighborhood.


Favorite Answer

Your tires are safe. But if you're in a bad neighborhood, what are you doing outside the car checking tire pressure?

Hope this helps.

'av'a g'day mate.



Drive on, no worries at all with that kind of difference, a cold day could even drop the tyre pressures by 4psi!

For fuel economy and wear sake i would get to a decent place, probably home, and then top up the tyre with air!

It will probably save you some money on replacing a badly worn tyre which even @ 4psi out over 10,000 miles can wear it badly and give you bad gas mileage.

Geoff B2012-08-14T07:05:31Z

Yes you can drive on it, I thought the USA was all love thy neighbour and all good things in life which is why you are lucky to live in such a country like that
We are informed to put air in our tyres when cold like say 35 and as the tyre heats up it can actual get up to 40psi so put a couple of pounds in extra when you have driven it to the gas station won't harm

Trump 20202012-08-14T06:22:00Z

YES, it's perfectly OK. Perfectly safe and you probably wouldn't even see any abnormal tire wear for thousands of miles, if EVER.