Severe back pain when breathing?

There is a very painful spot on the left side of my middle/upper back.
I can't take a deep breathe or yawn without serious pain, can't even bend over.
To take a deep breath, I have to raise my left shoulder as high as I can, and lean over to the right.
This has been going on for 4 days and is only getting worse. All moving and breathing hurts. I've also had chest pains, and am obviously very short of breath.

I plan on calling the doctor tomorrow, but what can I expect from an exam for this? I'm only 20 and I haven't injured my back or anything, so I have no clue what could be going on.


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I would guess you have a strained muscle since you say it hurts with all movement. Most likely, it's the trapezius, which runs from your jaw (explains the yawning pain) to your midback and out to the side.

The doctor will listen to your chest, feel your back to check for muscle spasm and tenderness, and may do an x-ray or other study if it's indicated.

But I suspect that he will tell you to put heat on it and take ibuprofen.


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